Happy Squirrel Quilts

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  • Hotfix Fabric to Fabric Adhesive 12in x 4yd Roll

Hotfix Fabric to Fabric Adhesive 12in x 4yd Roll


Hotfix Fabric to Fabric Adhesive 12in x 4yd Roll


A New No Sew Permanent Fusible

Are you tired of waiting for an adhesive that has no fibers or webbing so it makes cutting fabric on our home cutters actually easy and fun to do?  

How about no more gummy broken needles and machines or pieces that shift around before we can get to our machine to stitch? 

A fusible that does not wash away resulting in applique that lifts or even better a fusible that does not require any stitching because it is permanent.  

What if it had a paper backing to make tracing our patterns easy to do by drawing or running through an inkjet printer. 

The wait is over
Hotfix Adhesive™ is here.

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A New No Sew Permanent Fusible

Are you tired of waiting for an adhesive that has no fibers or webbing so it makes cutting fabric on our home cutters actually easy and fun to do?  

How about no more gummy broken needles and machines or pieces that shift around before we can get to our machine to stitch? 

A fusible that does not wash away resulting in applique that lifts or even better a fusible that does not require any stitching because it is permanent.  

What if it had a paper backing to make tracing our patterns easy to do by drawing or running through an inkjet printer. 

The wait is over
Hotfix Adhesive™ is here.