Happy Squirrel Quilts

Leaflets Midnight

from $3.00

Leaflets Midnight

from $3.00

Price: $12.00/yard

Art Gallery Fabric
Delicate, coquette prints evolve into rich, lush florals with this refreshing and rejuvenating palette, where cold mineral blue is warmed by bright corals and bursts of lime.

  • Please click "More Info" for information on selecting the correct yardage to order.

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Price: $12.00/yard

Art Gallery Fabric
Delicate, coquette prints evolve into rich, lush florals with this refreshing and rejuvenating palette, where cold mineral blue is warmed by bright corals and bursts of lime.

  • Please click "More Info" for information on selecting the correct yardage to order.

By the Yard: simply select the quantity to match the number of yards you would like to purchase.
Example: Select a Quantity of 2 for 2 yards of fabric

By the Quarter Yard: the quantity will be in 1/4 yard increments.
Example: a Quantity of 1 = 1/4 yard, a Quantity of 2 = 1/2 yard. 
Please use the following chart when ordering By the Quarter Yard.