April 7th National Handmade Day
By Kira Dobbs
Coming from an artistic family I was raised with many unique and fun traditions. My all time favorite is our Christmas Gift Tradition. Our tradition is that you must make something for everyone before you can buy them something from a store. Some years (and people) it takes almost all year to come up with and to finish a project, and yes some years your gift might come to you in kit form, but it is always fun. I actually don't mind getting a kit because then after opening presents in the morning, you get to spend the rest of the day with that person finishing the gift (so really it's like two gifts in one!). This tradition has carried on to other holidays as well like birthdays and Mothers and Fathers Day. You can never beat the feeling of giving something that you took the time to really think about what that person would like and then make them something accordingly. I also love and cherish the gifts I receive because I know they took just as much thought and time to make it for me. So I urge you to try it out! Pick a holiday, a gift giving day, or any day, and make something for someone you love.
Christmas Day!
Panda Quilt mom made me. Real bamboo was used as the hanger.
Get creative with your wrapping.